
Hotels, Banks & Offices

Create a pleasant environment for both customers and your staff!

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Malls, supermarkets & stores

Create a pleasant environment for both customers and your staff

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Industrial centers & warehouses

Comfortable conditions extending productivity using large air curtains of Olefini

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Our Network

Our network was designed to meet the needs of our customers and help them be successful with their projects.

Although our main product (Air Curtains) can be customized according to the customer's needs, the delivery times are always guaranteed.  We try to keep stock in major points of presence around the world, but we also try to satisfy even the most demanding customer by supplying specialized units directly from the factory whenever is needed.

Using Olefini's sales network is very easy.  Customers may communicate with our distributors or even directly with us to ask for product information (technical, specification etc).  By using either e-mail or voice call, our representatives through out the world will be very happy to assist you.


Olefini in Greece,  email: sales@olefini.gr    website: www.olefini.gr

Olefini in Turkey,  email: info@olefini.com.tr    website: www.olefini.com.tr

Olefini in Polland, email: olefini@wichtowski.pl   website: www.olefini.pl