
Hotels, Banks & Offices

Create a pleasant environment for both customers and your staff!

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Malls, supermarkets & stores

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Industrial centers & warehouses

Comfortable conditions extending productivity using large air curtains of Olefini

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K - 28

General Specifications

•Energy saving

•Barrier to insects, dust, odors, pollutants & humidity

•Controlled Micro climate

•Slim line design

•Easy installation

•Conventional or infrared remote control

•Low noise level


Model K- 28 is 2.0 meter long Industrial type Air Curtain . Is suitable for covering openings of up to   6 m height  for use in the following areas :


• Large Industrial Spaces

• Airports

• Storage areas

• Buss Stations

• Schools

• Garages

• Stadiums

• Cold Storage areas


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